Pipe-dreams? The clandestine career

September 6, 2011 § Leave a comment

Kim during her free skating competition. And s...

Thanks for the image via Wikipedia reminding me of what might have been...

…. The other day, someone asked me what I *wished* I’d done for a job (if it wasn’t what I already do). Loved the question and it got me thinking. We all have other passions and pipe dreams. Here are some of mine.

  • Professional ice-skater!
  • Potter
  • Furniture restorer
  • Orchestral conductor
  • Working in an advertising agency, instead of PR.

If I had the time, perhaps I’d write a symphony, conduct the recording of it, then skate to it ~ winning an Olympic gold medal of course, before retiring to my workshop to make furniture and pots. But probably wont do any of them […sigh]

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