Managing social media fatigue

September 14, 2011 § 2 Comments

A segment of a social network

Image via Wikipedia

Social media fatigue may make us more ruthless about who we connect with, follow & subscribe to

Report Finds 22% of Online Time is Spent on Social Networks.

That’s the headline that landed in my inbox today. I’ll update the link if i get the chance… But it got me thinking: That’s a lot of time. If you do some calculations, that’s almost 2 hours (out of a working day).

Just a few years ago social media didn’t exist. So you COULD say we’ve lost almost 2 hours that would have previously been spent on email, research, client relations etc… (read ‘making things happen’). But these (almost) two hours are now spent making things happen in a different way. Thing is, ROI on this time is still elusive…

These days I unsubscribe more than I subscribe.  « Read the rest of this entry »

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